Fauziah's Hypnosis Blog!

Saturday, June 18, 2022

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How We Can Help You Succeed!


We can help you ...... · relieve mental, emotional and physical stress · quit bad habits & addictions · increase your self esteem and boost your self confidence · improve your concentration and focussing skills · uncover and neutralize childhood trauma · recollect 'lost' memories · remove blockages to success · eliminate negativities related to your past · develop a more positive attitude and lifestyle · access your subconscious and make it work for you · sleep better · remove fears/ phobias · cope with 'problems' in your life · sort out your relationship problems · discover your true potential · We can do this and more......
Take the first step to SUCCESS!- Make an appointment with us today
Say goodbye to all things bad and welcome the GOOD!
PETRA Health & Wellness Group
Today most of us live in a very challenging environment and many of us are riddled by challenges on a daily basis. We are pulled in opposite directions by external and internal stressors. We may sometimes be able to cope with external stressors but often succumb to internal stressors. When people are pulled in different directions like this, what usually happens is that the weakest link will just give way! It is known that people who cannot cope with stress or do not know how to do so, may find their conditions getting worse. We are here to help you. Please call us today and find out what we can do to alleviate your stress once and for all.
Emotions play a very important part in our make up. We cannot run away from our emotions; they always find us out. Many of us have been taught from young to stifle our emotions, be it anger, sadness or loneliness, etc. In fact we become masters in this game and we unconsciously weave a path of failure by not being able to understand our emotions, what more to express our emotions. Stifled emotions are not very healthy and may get congested in different parts of our bodies, to cause pain or discomfort later. Many of us, especially the health conscious ones, take great steps to improve our physical health. We may visit our doctors often, watch our diet and follow regular exercise routines. However, we fail to cater to our mental and emotional health. This could be one of the reasons for relatively healthy people just collapsing without warning, some even dying while jogging, etc. We don't want this to happen to you! All you have to do is to contact us and enjoy our expert and professional advice and care.
Many times people who suffer from physical ailments do not always find a cure when they visit a medical doctor. This is because underlying these physical ailments may be a psychological and/ or emotional component which needs to be addressed. We are not advocating that you do not see a doctor. No, not at all! Many forward looking doctors and knowledgeable doctors know about us and usually refer such clients to us anyway. We work as a team to help you! If you are not sure, please consult a doctor. Even if you come to us and if we find that you would need a doctor's attention first, we would refer you to a doctor. For example, if you have recently developed some pain in a part of your body and you're not sure what the cause is, you should first see a doctor to verify the cause of that pain. We do pain management or pain relief on clients only if the pain has been verified by a medical doctor, because pain is an indicator that there is something wrong in the body. We hope we have made our position very clear.
We have seen many clients, many of whom are in the managerial or directorial positions in their career. You may find this surprising but many of these so-called successful people, carry with them certain idiosyncracies from their past which they would like to be rid of. We help them to find the cause of their blockages, whatever it is, and help them neutralize or eliminate them totally so that they would never be negatively affected by them again. The best part of our solution is that we do not merely give them a fish, we also teach them how to fish in the form of learning how to do self hypnosis or reframing for success.
We are professionals who have experience and training in various healing modalities, for example counselling, psychotherapy, EFT, energy healing like Reiki or Quantum Touch, trauma and somatic healing, interapersonal psychotherapy, CBT, hypnotherapy, and EMDR amongst others. We assure you that we treat you with the utmost respect and honour and we shall use the best modalities best suited to you as a person. We want the best for you as much as you want the best for yourself. When you come to us, you can feel safe as you are in good hands. · ·
To contact us, please write to info@petrahypnosis.com or fauziahshah@gmail.com 
Or you may call Fauziah Shah at 91000432

Our Address: 
19 Tanglin Road, #06-43/44 Tanglin Shopping Centre, Singapore 247909

For more details, please call: Tel: 91000432 or 67345581. Or write to:info@petrahypnosis.com 
 This document is published on the web. Your document is publicly viewable at: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dd3g8vvm_1cgrw33cx Published on November 13, 2008 5:48 PM

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Professional Hypnotherapy Certification at PETRA HYPNOSIS